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01. ÇзÂ
Brooks Institute of Photography (BA) 1993, (MS) 1995 ÃÖ¿ì¼ö Á¹¾÷/°ú ¿ì¼ö»ó
(Àü°ø: Àι°»çÁø°ú »ó¾÷»çÁø)

02. °æ·Â
2009 Bethesda Christian College °âÀÓ±³¼ö
2007 Studio Charis ¿î¿µ¹× ¼ö¼® Æ÷Åä±×·¡ÆÛ
2006 World Vision Æ÷Åä±×·¡ÆÛ
2005 LOA Photography ¿î¿µ¹× ¼ö¼®Æ÷Æ®±×·¡ÆÛ
1993-2005 Studio-Q ¿î¿µ¹× ¼ö¼® Æ÷Åä±×·¡ÆÛ

03. »çÁø Àü½Ãȸ
2008 World Vision ¡°Hope in Africa¡± Exhibit, LA, California,
2008 ¡°Art of Light¡± Photo Exhibit, LA, California
2005 Songs in Africa, Seoul, Korea
1997 Classical Portrait Exhibit, LA, California
1996 Brooks Alumni Photo Exhibit, Seoul, Korea
1993 Brooks Graduate Exhibit, Santa Barbara, California,


04. ¼ö»ó°æ·Â
1998 WPPA(¼¼°è ÇÁ·Î»çÁø ÀÛ°¡Çùȸ) ±¹Á¦Àι°ºÎ¹® ¼ö»ó
1993 Brooks Institute Department Award,

05. ÃÊû¿¬»ç °æ·Â
2002 ´ëÇÑÇÁ·Î»çÁøÇб³
2004-2006 Çѱ¹»çÁø°¡Çù ȸ
2006 Áß±¹ ±¹Á¦ ÇÁ·Î »çÁø°¡ ÄÁº¥¼Ç
¼­¿ï ¶óµð¿À Á¤±Ô Ã⿬ ¿¬»ç/ÄÚ¸®¾Æ ¶óµð¿À Ưº° ÃÊÁ¤ ¿¬»ç, KTAN, KTE, GBC
Portraiture Photography class instructor, 1997-present

06. ³í¹®
Numerous articles in magazines and newspapers including Korea Times,
Joong-ang Ilbo, Young-Sang Newspaper, Moon-Hwa ilbo,
Entertainment Weekly Magazine, etc.

07. Æ÷Æ®Æú¸®¿À
- È«º¸Ã¥ÀÚ
2005 Photo Journal Book: <<10 Years Old Dairy>>
1999 Photo Essay Book: <>

- À¯¸íÀÎ»ç »çÁø ÃÔ¿µ
Formal President of Korea: Kim Dae-Joong
Formal First Lady of Korea: Lee Hui-Ho
Formal President of the Brooks Institute: Earnest Brooks, III
Statesman & Professor:
Kim Dong-gil: formal professor, formal congressman
Kim Young-Jin: formal minister of agricultural department,
present congressman
Lee Young-Sun: Hallym University President
Suh Kwang Ha: Kentucky State University Professor
Jang Sang: E-Hwa Woman¡¯s University President
Moon Il-Yong: USC professor
Geraldine Perri: Citrus College President
Poet: Yi Hye-In
Singers: Kim Jun, Cube, Son Young-Jin
Movie Stars: Choi Eun Hee, Jin Mi-Ryung
Broadcaster: Lee Jong-Hwan, Roh Hyung Kun, Yoon Hye-Sung
Movie Portrait: Molly Shannan, Laura Dern
Three Tenors in Dodger¡¯s Stadium, Miss Korea of California, etc.


08. References

Joyce Wilson: Formal Brooks Institute of Photography portraiture professor
World famous photographer
Philip Roh: President of Opera California, Broadcaster
Benoit Malphettes: Formal Studio Charis owner
Kim, In Tae: Photographer
Rev. Jae Moon Kim: Light of Love Mission Church Pastor Kim, Young-Jin: Congressman

°ü·Ã À¥»çÀÌÆ®:

¹ø È£ ±Û Á¦ ¸ñ ÀÌ ¸§ ³¯ Â¥ Á¶ ȸ ÆÄ ÀÏ
680 Áß°í °¡±¸¸¦ ±¸ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.   Julie Ahn 2010/07/10 1599
679 CAM ÀÌ ¿ÀÇ ÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù. (2)  ±èÀºÇý 2010/07/08 686
678 ÀºÇý°¡ µÇ³×¿ä. (1)  ÀÌÀ翵 2010/07/05 519
677 ºÓÀº¾Ç¸¶¿¡ ´ã°ÜÁø ¼û°ÜÁø Àǹ̠  ÀÌÀ翵 2010/07/02 968
676 Cambodia ´Ü±â ¼±±³ (1)  ÃÖ¼­¿ì 2010/06/29 729
675 °¨»çÇÕ´Ï´Ù (2)  sun lim 2010/06/28 556
674 Thank you   ÃÖ¼­¿ì 2010/06/27 544
673 ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ °­Á 1ÁÖ ¿¬±â(6/26 --> 7/3)   ÀÌÀ翵 2010/06/24 376
672 ±³È¸ °¡Á·»çÁø ÃÔ¿µ¿¡ ´ëÇØ   ±èÁø¹ü 2010/06/23 2015
671 º£Æ®³²¿¡¼­ (1)  ±èÀºÇý 2010/06/16 590
670 ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ °­Á ÀÚ·á   °û¿µ¹Î 2010/06/13 478
669 º£Æ®³²¿¡¼­ (4)  ±èÀºÇý 2010/06/09 601
668 ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ °­Á ¾È³»2   ÀÌÀ翵 2010/06/09 498
667 ¸ñ»ç´Ô ±è¹äµå¼¼¿ä~   ±è¼±ÀÌ 2010/06/05 621
666 ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ °­Á ¾È³»   ÀÌÀ翵 2010/06/02 422
      [41] [42] [43]  [44]  [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50]       

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